The mission of is to provide a central online location for people suffering with anxiety and/or panic attacks to discover a vast array of strategies that may help them to experience relief and peace.
My name is Peter Mueller, and after many years of struggle with anxiety and some years of struggle with panic attacks, I have experienced significant relief and healing. Through much research and trial and error, I realized that usually there is not one “silver bullet” strategy to improving symptoms of anxiety and panic, but that a strategy consisting of multiple tools is most effective. However, to my endless frustration and disappointment, I also realized that many providers of such strategies (doctors, counselors, others) are only aware of one or two approaches, and often are even completely unaware or skeptical of others. This website is my effort to help people struggling with anxiety and/or panic attacks find one central place to learn about multiple strategies that may be of help to them in also finding relief from debilitating and distracting anxiety and the agony of panic attacks. If you or a loved one are struggling with anxiety and/or panic attacks, this is the place for you! You are loved, you are not alone, and there is hope!
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, licensed counselor, psychologist, therapist, or psychiatrist, and the reviews and recommendations on this website do not constitute medical advice. I am a human being who is recovering and healing from an anxiety and panic disorder, and I am sharing some of the tools that have been helpful to me in my journey and that I hope will be helpful to you and others as well. I encourage you to talk with your own doctor and/or counselor, but also remember that they are not trained in every available tool described on this website. At the end of the day, only you can decide which strategies will work best for you.